Improving animal welfare

Ever since he was first elected in 2005, animal welfare has been high on Mark's agenda.

Mark has introduced several animal welfare Bills and motions aimed at strengthening our animal welfare laws, including...

  • Sale of Endangered Animals on the Internet Bill
  • The Sale of Primates as Pets (Prohibition) Bill
  • The Protection of Common Birds Bill
  • The Ending of Wild Animals in Circuses (Motion)


The last Conservative Government had an excellent record on animal welfare and is already a world leader in this area.

  • The Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act enshrined in domestic law the recognition that animals are sentient and creates an expert Animal Sentience Committee, which will advise the Government on how policy decisions should take account of animal welfare.
  • The Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Act introduced tougher sentences for animal cruelty, increasing maximum sentences.
  • The Ivory Act came into force in 2022 and has recently been extended to cover five more endangered species.

Finally, the Conservative Government supported a series of Bills which will deliver important reforms on animal welfare.  These include the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill, which will ban the import of hunting trophies for specific species; the Shark Fins Bill, which will ban the import and export of shark fins; and the Animals (Low-Welfare Activities Abroad) Bill, which will ban the sale and advertising of activities abroad which involve low standards of welfare for animals.


Mark Pritchard backs WWF campaign

Wrekin MP, Mark Pritchard, has backed WWF's Earth Hour campaign to help restore the natural environment. Himself a longstanding environmentalist, Mr Pritchard said: "Humans are the leaseholders of our beautiful planet not the freeholders. Earth is a shared space with nature.

Mark Pritchard heralds Puppy Sale Ban

Wrekin MP, Mark Pritchard, is celebrating today after the government announced it will take action to shut down puppy farms. The MP, known for his high profile animal welfare campaigns, also praised well known tv vet Marc Abraham’s for his animal welfare campaign, Lucy’s Law. Mr Pritchard said: “

Mark Pritchard calls for an end to live transport

Mark spoke at a cross-party animal welfare rally held in Westminster on the need to end the practice of live animal exports for slaughter. He said: “Delighted to speak at this rally today. Animals should be slaughtered in UK before being exported. Thousands of livestock needlessly die each year being shipped overseas. DEFRA needs to change the policy on this

Mark Pritchard chairs Ivory Bill through the Commons

Wrekin MP, Mark Pritchard, has been asked to Chair the government’s landmark Ivory Bill through the House of Commons. In September 2016 the UK Government announced a plan to introduce a ban on the sale of ‘modern day ivory’ – that is, all ‘worked’ ivory produced after 1947.